Prayer Room
“A house of prayer and healing for all nations.”
Serving our City

We are currently gathering for prayer in the prayer room weekly on Wednesdays and one day of serving in prayer in the watch night weekly.  We serve the watch night from midnight to 6am each Thursday. We increase prayer days and "burns" seasonally.

About the WSC Prayer Room

When the Lord called us to plant WellSpring Community, we knew that the Lord wanted us to be a missional community based on a foundational commitment of not only personal prayer as a way of life, but corporate prayer intercession as a commitment to who we are in serving our city.

We also knew in our hearts and minds that the Lord wanted us to be “presence focused or presence based” as a worship community. In other words, we desire the Lord’s presence above our own needs and we want to minister to Him first and foremost. The priority of worship for us as a community is on the Lord and not on ourselves, our likes, dislikes, preferences, music tastes, etc.

We have been touched by the gifts in the body of Christ that have contributed to the global prayer movement in the nations today as we seek to follow God’s call to “be a house of prayer and healing for all nations.”

We believe the Lord’s assignment for us is “to be, build, and become a house of unceasing prayer and worship in Harrison and Boone County.”

As a significant part of the growing global prayer movement, we are committed to reflect “the tabernacle of David” where the worship of the Lord and the intercession for our world never ceases (1 Chronicles 9:33; 22-24) (For an explanation of “the tabernacle of David” read the History of the Prayer Movement).

As a house of prayer, we are growing in understanding of the model based on the heavenly picture that we see in Revelation 5, which speaks of the harp and the bowl—worship and prayer.

All are welcome to come and go freely and to stay in the prayer room as long as they like. While in the prayer room, feel free to join in with the corporate worship and prayer, read your Bible, study a favorite commentary or book, write in your journal, or engage in private prayer. You may lay down, sit, stand, or walk in prayer.

Whatever you do, we ask that you do it in a manner that honors and serves the other people in the room.