Worship Service
We’re so glad you’re here!

“I was glad,” the psalmnist writes, “when they said unto me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord'” (Psalm 122:1). Indeed, we believe your presence with us is not by accident and a gift from the Lord. We are grateful to the Lord for the gift of new friends. We value your presence with us. More importantly we value and delight ourselves in meeting intentionally with the Lord.

Our focus and assignment is to minister before Him and enjoying the fullness of His Presence (Exodus 33:7-11, 14-15; 2 Chron. 5:12-14; 7:1-3; Psalm 16:11; 27:4; John 4:23-24; Acts 13:2-3).

Thank you for joining us in this endeavor.

Are You Looking for Something More?
We are a community of encounter.

In the words of U2, have you found what you are looking for? The best news is that Christ has been looking for you! We want you to know that we welcome all people and look forward to meeting you. We desire to be a community of believers where encountering Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit is normal for us. We are passionate about encountering His presence and believe it to be the most life changing thing for us.

WSC Worship
Why do you worship the way you do?

We are a community that desires to cultivate a culture of revival, a spirit of spontaneous exuberant praise, a full-bodied worship experience. We desire to pursue the manifest presence of God in worship and prayer. We believe this takes time and comes in many styles and expressions.

We want you to worship the Lord how you feel most comfortable. However, we discourage persons from being too critical of how the Holy Spirit may manifest His presence in our congregation. We desire a freedom in worship where we cultivate intimacy and passion in our relationship with Christ. In the words of King David – a passionate worshiper of God, yes, even an "undignified worshiper" (2 Samuel 6) – “One thing we ask, one thing we seek: and that is your presence Lord” (Psalm 27:4, paraphrase).

We offer Holy Communion (open to all who desire to be in a relationship with Christ, who seek to be in fellowship with other believers, and are hungry for His grace) monthly, normally on the first Sunday of the month, and other special seasons of the church year.

What do you mean by “Presence – based Worship?”

As a community we want to be characterized by a desperate longing, a deep desire, for the manifest presence of Jesus in us and with us and among us all the time. We want the One Thing that King David was desperate for (Psalm 27:4) and Mary of Bethany desired more than “ministry” or “performing” and that was “sitting at Jesus’ feet” listening attentively to His every word (Luke 10:42).

In WSC we value presence above our preference; we focus on going vertical (God-focused) rather than horizontal (preference-focused). Another way of thinking about this, is we desire to become a more “presence-based” church rather than a “consumer-based” church.

We believe that worship is not "entertainment." And it is not about singing a few feel good songs to lead us into the more important "sermon." Worship is all about being transformed in God's presence. We believe the best worship service in the corporate sense, is trinitarian, Christ-centered, and Holy Spirit effused and led, and leads to life changing encounters with the God who is "an all consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29; Exodus 24:17) (see Rev. 1, 4-5; Isaiah 6; John 4; 2 Chron. 5-6; Exodus 33).

We place a high value on God’s presence with us, the manifest presence of Jesus. This involves giving the Holy Spirit freedom to minister in and through the entire community. We place a high value on receiving the ministry of the Holy Spirit through the spirit of prayer and prophecy. And we believe that our heart response to God and obedience to His word in worship is essential.

What is your worship schedule?

We believe “we are what we worship.” We believe that all of life is our service to the Lord and that we were created to bring God glory in every aspect of our lives: work, rest, pleasure, play, marriage, family life, parenting and relating to all people and caring for God’s good creation.

While we believe you can worship God anywhere, we believe the Scriptures teach us, and the early Church practiced, a regular rhythm of gathering together as a congregation to worship the Lord in Spirit and truth (see Hebrews 10:25; John 4:23-24).

We believe this should be on “the first day of the week” Sunday (not at the exclusion of other days of the week, such as the Jewish Sabbath day). Sunday became the day that early believers gathered for corporate worship in light of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and was known as “the eighth day,” meaning, the day pointing to “the new creation.”

We currently meet weekly on Sunday mornings for early “soaking” prayer and intercession at 9am and worship service at 10am.

We offer age appropriate Bible teaching sessions for younger children following the singing portion of our worship services (a nursery space for nursing parents). We encourage parents to allow their children remain with the adults in our worship experience because we believe this to be transforming for their faith formation. We desire persons with children to be cared for safely. All of those in our community who serve children in ministry must be trained (safe sanctuary training).

We gather seasonally in homes for times of fellowship, discipleship training, and Bible studies.

We gather again on Wednesdays each week for prayer: 11:00am and 7pm.

How should I dress to your church?

You should dress comfortable and casual; we encourage you to come with expectation and a heart attitude to encounter Jesus rather than worry about what other people are wearing or look like. We encourage and teach biblical modesty in our dress and apparel and hygiene (1 Timothy 2:8-10; 1 Peter 3:3-4).

What we believe about ...